Up to 19 member organisations start scoring points in the eCity+ programme
Last June saw the launch of the eCity+ initiative, the eCitySevilla badge programme to recognise the different actions implemented by the entities adhering to the project, related to the objectives set by the different working groups: buildings, sustainable mobility, energy and digitalisation.
During these weeks, many companies have already communicated the actions that, even beforehand, have been implemented with a view to achieving the overall objective of a 100% sustainable environment in the PCT Cartuja by 2025. A total of 19 companies currently have 41 actions, totalling 4,485 points.
The actions with the highest number of activities are the installation of charging points for electric vehicles, the change of luminaires to more efficient models and the participation in pilot projects launched by eCitySevilla.
Based on the scores collected, there are currently 16 entities that are positioned in some level of the battery; specifically, four companies that would be in level 3 of the battery; six companies in level 2 and another six entities in level 1. The other three companies, despite having reported the implementation of some actions, have not yet reached the minimum required to appear within the first level of the distinctive.
It should be recalled that a total of 75 points is required to qualify for the first level. At 200 points, the second level of the battery is reached, at 450 points the third level, and at 1,000 points the fourth and highest level is reached.
If you are a member of eCitySevilla, consult the list of actions in the programme’s rules (check here) and send us all the actions you consider appropriate so that they can be counted in eCity+.
In September we will launch the ranking of companies, with the scores obtained by each of them! We encourage you to participate and to communicate your contribution to achieve together a sustainable, 100% renewable and innovative PCT Cartuja.