The Andalusian Energy Agency has published a new call for incentives for self-consumption with renewable energy sources, storage and for thermal renewable energy equipment, which will open on 2 December. The residential sector, public administrations, non-profit entities and productive sectors will have up to 97.2 million euros in incentives. Of this total budget, 66.2 million euros will be earmarked for renewable self-consumption – with the first 5,000 kW of power of each installation receiving aid – and 14.37 million euros for storage. The remaining 16.5 million euros will be dedicated to the incorporation of thermal renewable equipment, although this last category will be exclusively for the residential sector, public housing and private non-profit entities in the third sector.

The aim of this programme is to enable businesses and households to have greater control over the management and consumption of their energy. The Agency expects to install a renewable generation capacity of 126.6 MW of self-consumption electricity and thermal energy, with a storage capacity of 35.5 MWh, which will mean an estimated reduction of around 24,000 tonnes of CO2.

The service sector and other productive sectors will have incentives for self-consumption installations with photovoltaic solar energy and wind energy that range between 15% and 50% depending on the technology, the size of the company and the power of the installation. If these projects are associated with storage, the aid for this purpose will be between 45% and 65% of the investment made, depending on the size of the company. These incentives can also be requested for existing self-consumption installations.