eCitySevilla launches WeCity, a meeting point for all the entities adhered to this project, which aims to reward their loyalty and commitment to the great challenges that eCitySevilla has ahead until 2025.

There are several activities that will be carried out in the framework of this space shared with the rest of the partners and promoting entities. The first of these is already underway: eCity+. This is a badge program through which the entities that have joined the project will obtain public and social recognition, depending on the type and number of actions they implement that are related to the lines of work set out by the different working groups.

As each entity implements actions, depending on the points that each of them represent, the level of recharge in the logo of the badge will increase, distinguishing up to four levels.

The bases of this initiative include, among other aspects, a list of actions with the corresponding score that would be required to implement them. eCity+ also contemplates the establishment of annual awards to recognize those companies that have achieved the highest score.